Implant Dentistry In Houston

Reclaim Your Smile With Implant Dentistry

State-of-the-art Houston dental implants are one of the best options to replace your missing teeth. Implants are designed to look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. These predictable, successful treatments are able to restore complete oral function and appearance, no matter how many missing teeth you have.

Implant tooth

What is a Dental Implant?

Houston's dental implants are hypoallergenic restorations that function as artificial tooth roots. Implants are placed at strategic points in your jaw and naturally integrate with your bone to support normal chewing and biting pressure.

Titanium implants are strong enough to be paired together for bridges or All-on-4, as well as a snap-on denture.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • No removable dentures
  • Preserves your facial structure
  • Doesn't alter the structure of neighboring teeth
  • Used for single, multiple, or all teeth
  • Outlasts other restorations

Individual Dental Implants

The traditional dental implant procedure is ideal for replacing individual missing teeth and is recommended over traditional bridges in most cases. 

Implant Supported Bridges

When there are 3-4 missing teeth, we can pair dental implants together to anchor a fixed bridge in that space. In most cases, only two dental implants are needed.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Thanks to All-on-4 treatment, you don't need to wear a denture anymore. We can replace all your upper or lower teeth at once with just four implants in total. All-on-4 is a full-arch hybrid treatment that follows the natural contour of your smile and doesn't take up extra space in your mouth. 

What to Expect During Implant Treatment

Most people say that it's easier to get a dental implant than it is to have a tooth removed. The minimally-invasive design requires little recovery time and can be completed using only a small amount of local anesthetic in some cases. However, sedation dentistry is also available if you prefer to tune things out. 

Houston Implant Dentist

Terrific Teeth can help you decide if dental implants are right for your needs. Contact us today to request a consultation.


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