Snap In Dentures in Houston

Get Comfortable, Reliable Snap-In Dentures With Terrific Teeth

Do you wear dentures in Houston? Do you wish that there was an alternative to messy pastes or adhesives? There is. Terrific Teeth offers snap-in dentures, which are a removable implant-supported denture alternative. 

Snap in Dentures

What are Snap-in Dentures?

“Overdentures,” or snap-in dentures, are a removable denture that has special locators underneath the plate. These locators correspond to 2-4 implants in your mouth, allowing the denture to “snap” or “clip” onto them.


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When you wear your snap-on dentures, you get to enjoy

Improved confidence

A more secure fit

throughout the day

No slipping, rubbing,

or sore spots

Easier speaking and eating



A more secure fit

throughout the day

No slipping, rubbing,

or sore spots

Easier speaking and eating

In some cases, newer dentures can be retrofitted to snap onto dental implants. Every snap-on denture is planned on a case-by-case basis, so our Houston dentist will want to personally evaluate your mouth to see if you qualify.

Who is a Candidate for Snap-on Dentures?

Most of our snap-on dentures in Houston are used when someone prefers not to get fixed All-on-4 implants or doesn’t qualify for a permanent, full-arch restoration. They also tend to be individuals who have additional bone loss, which makes it difficult to keep their dentures in place throughout the day. 

middle age woman looking at her new teeth on the mirror

The Treatment Process

You’ll be glad to know that installing dental implants is a minimally-invasive process with little recovery time necessary. You can even wear a denture over the implant sites while they integrate with your bone. A few months later, we’ll uncover the implants, install a special abutment, and then show you how to clip your denture in and out.

Just like regular dentures, overdentures need to be removed at night. You clean and care for them the same way you would any other removable prosthesis. 

smily teeth  icon

Snap on Dentures in Houston

Call Terrific Teeth today to find out if snap-on dentures are right for you.


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