Sedation Dentistry In Houston

Enjoy A Stress-Free Experience With Sedation Dentistry

Dental sedation is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to reduce the number of treatments they need or tune things out while they're in the dental office.

We might recommend sedation if you have some level of anxiety surrounding dental visits. It's much easier to get the care you need when you are assured that you'll feel relaxed throughout the process.

Sedation is an excellent option if you've been delaying care or need more complex treatment, such as oral surgery.

young woman with sedation

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Laughing gas (also known as Nitrous Oxide) is a light analgesic that you breathe in through your nose. sedative. It is fast, quickly reversible, and safe for all ages. In most cases, we can add laughing gas to any routine appointment.

IV Sedation

This deeper form of sedation makes you feel like you're daydreaming or taking a light nap. The medication is administered through an IV. This allows for a deeper and faster state of sedation. Once your treatment is complete, we will stop the flow of the medication and help you to the car (you'll need someone to drive you home)

When Do We Recommend Sedation?

It is okay to want to sleep through your dentist visit or help take the edge off. No matter how complex or simple a care plan may seem, sedation can be an excellent addition. Your personal preferences and the length of your treatment will all play a role in the type of sedation our Houston dentist recommends. Lighter sedatives like nitrous oxide are also safe for children. We’ll just need to review your health history beforehand to make sure you qualify.

Sedation Dentist in Houston

Terrific Teeth is committed to ensuring that everyone receives quality, comfortable dental care. No matter how complicated your needs, sedation can make it a pleasant experience.

Call our Houston office today for more information!

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